Ons heg waarde aan jou eie veiligheid



In Die Blou Duik Sentrum maak gebruik van Payfast vir aanlyn betalings. Payfast verseker dat jou inligting en transaksies is veilig deur middel van 'n verskeidenheid van sekuriteit kenmerke wat insluit:

  • Uitgebrei Validation SSL met 256-bit encryption.
  • 3D Secure is in plek vir almal kredietkaarttransaksies oor R1000.
  • Alle sensitiewe inligting word geïnkripteer binne die Payfast databasis.
  • Penetrasie toets is uitgevoer op ons stelsel op 'n weeklikse basis om te kyk vir kwesbaarhede.
  • Die Payfast webwerf, blog en help webwerwe bedien af ​​veilige bedieners, maak dit moeiliker om te pleeg phishing-aanvalle.
  • Payfast het ook 'n uitstekende moniteringstelsel wat doen, onder andere: GEO IP dop, snelheid toets, bin / IIN validering en tjeks teen online databasisse.


Wat het ander gesê oor in die blou Duik Sentrum?

Camille K

So glad I got certified with Into the Blue! - Getting certified...

has been on the top of my bucket list for years now, but I have never found the time to do it. I am an American but I was studying in Cape Town for a semester so some friends and I decided to take the plunge and sign up to get our open water cert. I cannot praise Into the Blue enough. What really makes this place incredible is the staff. They were helpful, professional, and fun. For many people, myself included, scuba diving is a completely new experience and having instructors that are helpful while keeping things fun made me more comfortable throughout the experience. As far logistics go, they provide all gear during the certification process and allow you to schedule all of your dives (OW and pool) on your own schedule. All I can say is the next time I am in Cape Town, I will definitely be paying Into the Blue a visit.

Carina Koenig

Epic experience with the greatest team!�Thank you so much!

Chad Faurie

Always good to dive with...

people who are professional and know what they are doing