Often cited by divers as the scuba course that they have enjoyed the most, the PADI Rescue Diver Course is a pivotal step in any divers’ education. This is where you learn to look beyond yourself and focus on problem prevention and problem management in diving scenarios. This course is also a step into becoming a more independent diver.

For many scuba divers having a buddy with them that has done the rescue diver course is very important.  Although scuba diving is statistically a safe activity, it is always encouraging to know that in the event of an emergency, there is someone in your dive party that has the necessary rescue skills.

This course is demanding and its context is serious, but you can be sure to be in for a lot of fun.

Quick overview of the PADI Rescue Diver Scuba Course in Cape Town

  • Duration: 2 Days
  • 1 Day theory and pool session
  • 1 Day doing  theory and ocean session
  • Bring your swimsuit, sunscreen, towel and a snack.



It takes place over a period of 2 days, which can be split up or be done consecutively. We meet at Into the Blue Scuba Dive Centre at 9:15 in the morning and here we do registration and theory. Classes should finish by around 16:00 on each day.

Course Theory

The theory consists out of the following:

  • A DVD that is to be watched. We normally watch this in our classroom, but if you are pressed for time, arrange with us and we will lend you the DVD to watch at home before the course starts.
  • A theory handbook which has homework that needs to be done in.
  • An exam is written about the handbook.
  • The theory can be done via e-learning. To sign up for e-learning, please click here.

Course Practical

The practical has 2 distinct phases:

Phase 1: In this phase we teach you the different rescue techniques and skills in the swimming pool.

Phase 2: In this phase you get to apply and practise these skills to perfection in the ocean.

Course Itinerary

Day 1: Theory and pool sessions.

We start off by watching the PADI Rescue Diver DVD. This DVD explains the techniques that are used in various rescue scenarios in depth. After we have finished with the DVD, we head to our on-site pool, where a PADI Instructor teaches you all the different rescue techniques. The rest of the day is spent practising and refining your skills.

Day 2: Theory and ocean sessions.

We start off in the morning by doing a review of your theory. From here we head to the ocean, where a PADI Instructor will teach you how to apply and use your rescue skills in the open water.


  1. Why would I want to do a Rescue Course?
    As a Recue diver, you will be better equipped to recognise stress symptoms in a fellow diver or buddy, which can help you to prevent problems. It is also gives one some peace of mind to know that ones buddy is a Rescue diver, as this means that your buddy will be able to look after you better if something does happen to you.

  2. What should I bring with for my course?
    You should bring the following with when you come for your diving course:
    • A towel
    • A swimsuit
    • Sun screen
    • A snack to eat
    • Your PADI theory materials
  3. Which pool would we use for the training?
    We would use our on-site pool here in Sea Point.

  4. What course is next?
    Master Scuba Diver! This is the highest non-professional rating in diving. To find out more about this course, click here.

What have others said about Into the Blue Scuba Dive Center?

Globetrekker Oxford

“Top marks for safety and professionalism”....

The reason for giving five stars is not because my dive day was good - it was horrible, a complete washout, no viz, unpleasant swell, just all round yucky conditions.

However, that's nature, and dive operators can do nothing about it. What all dive operators should do is be as professional and customer-focused as the guys from ITB diving.

First thing to note is that ITB is considerably cheaper (by almost 1000.- Rand) than Simonstown operators, which is baffling considering that they also have the transport cost from Cape Town to budget for.

DMs, Instructors and Shopfloor staff are all super friendly and helpful; I even got picked up from my Cape Town digs and dropped off afterwards, free of charge.

On the boat, I saw all the emergency and redundancy gear I like to see: twin engines (VERY important!), Oxygen, comms gear, flares, the lot. Briefings were thorough, and buddy check was insisted on.

The trip to Seal Rock in the RIB was fun in the swell, but when we got there the captain did not let us dive because of the unsafe conditions. Disappointing as this was, he was totally right. Low tide and heavy swells are a dangerous combination this close to the rocks, and as for trying to get back into a RIB in seas like this....
We then tried the PMB wreck, where zero viz and nasty vertical swell separated the group and forced us out of the water after 25 minutes.

The captain did offer to try another spot but was honest enough to tell us that in his opinion it was going to be rubbish everywhere, and so we called it a day.

Back at the dive shop, we were all offered a re-schedule, but as I'm out of time I was given half my money back. I know from experience that this is not the norm in the industry, sadly.

Into the Blue is a top notch outfit that does things by the book, with a strong safety focus and very customer centered, on top of offering reasonable pricing and a fair refund policy. You'll have a hard time to find a better operator anywhere around. They'll definitely be my first choice when I pass through next, and for doing my IDC sometime this year.

Just hope mother nature will be in better mood then.

Visited April 2017


Carina Koenig

Epic experience with the greatest team!�Thank you so much!

Maximilian Nehrkorn

If you want to go dive in Cape Town, this is the place to go!...

5 Star Padi dive centre, offering great packages, with an emphasis on safe diving practices.