Make your passion your job!

Maybe you are one of those who didn't plan to make it all the way here. You just did your Open Water Diver course on holiday, but then found yourself hooked on diving! Or, perhaps for you this was the plan from the beginning - becoming a Scuba Instructor!

Whichever it is, by becoming a Scuba Diving Instructor you will be joining a very select group of divers, who take their passion for the ocean to the next level!

Join us in Cape Town - one of the most beautiful cities in the world - and become a PADI Scuba Instructor!

enquire now


At Into the Blue, we offer a top-notch course with great staff, and our ready-made accommodation options means you can focus on what matters in this course. The PADI Open Water Scuba Diving Instructor certification qualifies you to teach people how to scuba dive. Advancing to Instructor level can open up many new doors for you, and you get to teach people how to scuba dive.

As a PADI Dive Instructor, you will find that there are more employment vacancies, and that there is also an increase in the salaries as you level up your qualification. After becoming a Scuba Dive Instructor, where will you go teach? At your local club on weekends? The Caribbean? Zanzibar? Sardinia? The world is your oyster!

At Into the Blue in Cape Town, we only use the best PADI Course Directors to conduct your Instructors Dive Course. We also have 3 in-house PADI Staff Instructors, meaning we are ready to help you fulfill this dream! In this course, you will learn how to teach various PADI scuba courses – from the Open Water Diver Course, all the way to the PADI Divemaster Course.

All the diving skills that you've learned up to this stage, are combined, polished, and honed into making you a PADI Scuba Dive Instructor. Ready to take the next step, and become a PADI Instructor? Take the plunge and do your IDC in Cape Town with Into the Blue Dive Centre!



Next Course: 7-19 November 2023.
The course takes place over 14 days. You have two options:

  • Option 1: R55 000 (We provide accommodation - 14 nights)
  • Option 2: R49 500 (You use your own accommodation)


  • Both your IDC and EFRI courses
  • Theory material for the above
  • Equipment rental as needed
  • Transport for diving


  • Meals
  • Registration fees paid directly to PADI (total 901 British Pounds, Ex VAT)

Where will the course take place?

Conducted at Into the Blue Scuba Dive Centre in Sea Point, Cape Town

Prerequisites to take part in this course:

  • 100 logged dives minimum
  • Be a certified diver for at least 6 months
  • Be a certified Divemaster or similar
  • Be reasonably healthy (doctors certificate needed)
  • Pass stamina test
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • You will need a computer or laptop to do this course.


We start out the program by doing the EFRI (Emergency First Aid Instructor) course. This take 2 days, during which we refresh your First Aid and CPR skills, and then teach you how to teach these skills according to the EFR Philosophy. For more details on this course, please refer to



You will start your PADI Instructors’ Program with a theory section, which is done before the course starts as homework & self-study. Once you sign up for your course with us, you will receive an email from PADI, directing you how to access the theory. The theory is digital, so you will need internet access, and a tablet or computer to work on.

The theory takes around 7-8 hours to complete.

Also as a part of your preparation, you should have a good knowledge of the Physics, Physiology, and Equipment sections of your PADI Diving Encyclopaedia.


This takes 7 days. The course is directed by one of our PADI Course Directors. During this time, you focus on how to teach the courses, as well as how to physically demonstrate the diving skills to students. It is important that your own diving skills is on a very good level by this point.

The Course Director makes you practise teaching various skills, and teaches you how to deal with potential problems you might incur while teaching.

We use an 8th day for revision before the next step, which is the Instructors Examination.

The Instructors Examination (IE)

This takes 2 days, and is conducted by an external PADI Examiner. During this time, he/she will test your teaching and diving skills, your understanding of PADI’s General Standards & Procedures, as well as your diving knowledge.


In the IDC program, the Course Director will take the experiences you have had while diving, and the scuba skills you have learned up to now, and bring them together to help you become a PADI Scuba Instructor.

Daily sessions are typically a mix between theory components – such as understanding the teaching philosophy of PADI – and learning how to present and teach diving skills to students in a safe way.

It is a fun but serious environment, and the focus is on getting you ready for the PADI Instructors Examination, which typically follows directly after this program.



  • 7 Nov: EFRI day 1
  • 8 Nov: EFRI day 2
  • 10 Nov – 17 Nov: IDC day 1 – 8
    (day 8 program is not on PDF. I will supply with EFRI programs)
  • 18 & 19 Nov: Instructors Examination

EFRI (Seet EFRI course for more details) (add link to page)



If you take the accommodation option we provide, you will be staying in one of the Backpackers in our area that is within walking distance of our dive school. The pricing option is for a bed in a dorm room, and does not include meals. If you want a more “grown-up” type of accommodation, let us know and we’d be more than happy to help guide you to some options.


Abbreviation Explainer:

  • IE = Instructors Examination
  • IDC = Instructors Development Course
  • EFR = Emergency First Response
  • EFRI = Emergency First Response Instructor
  • OWSI = Open Water Scuba Instructor
  • PADI = Professional Association of Diving Instructors
  • GBP = Great British Pounds, or Pound Sterling
  • CDC = Career Development Course – when you do all course from beginner to Instructor in a 6 month program

What will my rating be after completing the IDC?

What will my rating be after completing the IDC?

What is the duration of my days on the course?

Expect full days – classes typically start at 7am or 8am and may last until 7pm or later. There will also be homework each evening.

Do I need to make use of your accommodation?

Not at all! Cape Town has a multitude of accommodation options you can use, or perhaps you already live here. The price with own accommodation is less.

Which courses can I teach with this rating?

You can teach the following courses as an OWSI:

  • PADI Discover Scuba Experience
  • PADI Scuba Diver
  • PADI Open Water
  • PADI Adventure Diver
  • PADI Advanced Diver
  • PADI Rescue Diver
  • PADI Divemaster
  • PADI Bubble Maker Experience
  • PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty
  • AWARE Coral Reef Conservation
  • Project AWARE Specialist
  • PADI Skin Diver
  • PADI Discover Snorkelling

Who does the Instructor Examination( I.E)?

The I.E is done by a PADI examiner of PADI's choice. Contact us for up to date dates of IDC's and I.E's, and for any additional information.

What have others said about Into the Blue Scuba Dive Center?


“brilliant organisation and awesome diving!!!” Into the blue is a very well organised and professionally run dive shop...

I dived with Into the blue last week, and despite having an early meeting time was greeted by the staff with instant smiles and friendliness. Within 15 minutes the blond lady at reception had our whole groups paperwork sorted, gear packed, and introductions given.

There was a groupf of about 7 of us, and we all got to know eachother and the rest of the staff very well throughout the day. Everyone of the staff was friendly and happy to lend a helping hand, and they were very thorough and professional throughout the day.

The dive conditions didn't end up being so good, but the skipper GP was wise enough to call off the second dive for safety and we were sorted out back at the shop with rescheduling and refunds.

Very well done, and I would highly recommend for any divers visiting Cape town. I will be back to dive with Into the blue again!!!

Visited April 2017

Jayson De Ath

Super and very professional setup. Glad I was able to dive...

with them and would not only recommend diving here, but look forward to the next trip to dive with again.

Brian Brown

Great diving courses. Friendly staff. 5 star.